Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Introducing James Wilkinson

James worked with Matt Gan on our double page comic Fantastic But Foolish Scientists. It made for a very entertaining read.

Who are you?
My name's James Wilkinson.

What have you done / what are you doing?
 I make cartoons, illustrations, fine art work, zines, and design logos. For Asteroid Belter I wrote for and coloured the 'Fantastic But Foolish Scientists' pages.

What excites you about comics?
I like the uniqueness of cartoons as a medium. They have an intimacy, life, and pace to them that no other medium quite captures.

What excites you about science?
I think science is fascinating as it allows you to make some sort of sense of a world that is becoming aver more complex and ever more ruled by science. Knowing more about science also make the world seem more fantastical and beautiful.

You can see some of my art over here: https://www.facebook.com/jameswilkinsonart 

And you can contact me here: ja.wilkinson@yahoo.co.uk